Home > Revision tips > A MindMap is a terrible thing to waste

A MindMap is a terrible thing to waste

In business meetings you can often see the interconnecting webs of MindMaps scrawled over whiteboards. They are synonymous with organisation and, in a business environment, those quickly drawn diagrams are great. To make MindMaps memorable though, you need to go back to the rules of their creator – Tony Buzan. As the founder of the world memory championships, he knows what he’s talking about.

The use of different colours and sizes of text, combined with drawings are a vital part of what make these diagrams stick in your mind. When it comes to revision, using computer software to generate lifeless spider diagrams is missing the point.

Whatever I draw looks ridiculous. I have the artistic skill of an eight year old – and not a gifted eight year old, either. That doesn’t stop me, and it shouldn’t stop you either. It doesn’t matter if my drawing of a horse induces snorts of laughter, it’s my drawing and that’s what makes it memorable.

Break out the coloured pencils and create a MindMap with some character.

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