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Track your progress

A little bit of structure goes a long way. It’s easy to feel that time spent planning revision would be better spent studying, but tracking your progress can save you a huge amount of time.

Studying without tracking your progress is like painting a white wall with white paint. You’d repeatedly paint over the same area, unsure what you’d covered, how much you had left to do, or how long it would take.

The key to tracking your progress is to constantly test yourself and keep score. You could start with a study plan based on the syllabus for your exam, split into topics small enough to make significant on progress each day, then find a way to test yourself. The Leitner System provides a way to do this and keeps the focus on improving your weak areas, but past exam paper questions should be part of your studying too.

You can write your score each day next to the name of the topic, then try to beat it the next time you revise the same information.

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